Friday, January 23, 2009

A Day at the River

I spent the day at the rivers edge, bundled up but comfortable, with a campchair, banana & water, just so I wouldn't have an excuse to come in early. I lasted for quite a few hours in 30 degree temps. It was a gorgeous day with barely a breeze, and the ducks kept me busy, as my hiding spot proved worthy. A deer came over the hill not 20 feet from me and bedded down, trusting its location just out of my view.

Great Blue Heron

Female Common Goldeneyes

Female Common Merganser

A fish in one mouth, and drool in the other.

Male Common Merganser

Male Common Goldeneye

A female Merganser diving just like Michael Phelps.

I just liked the reflection pattern of the water.


  1. Beautiful pictures. That must have been a great hiding place.

  2. Here I sit, in my cube, complaining about the resent artic blast to hit central florida, crunching data, but mostly waiting for the weekend. I open google reader and fan through one post after another, wondering what my cyber friends are up too.

    I pop into Hannibal's Animals, 'cause you always find something good there, and sure enough, another great post.

    I was lost in your adventure and forgot all about my own problems if only for a few minutes. I know for you the reward was in the adventure itself but the telling and sharing of it is our reward! Thanks,

  3. Beautiful pictures.The refections and bubbles in the water are neat.

  4. Your stay out in the cold was well worth the beautiful photos you captured! I really have new appreciation for the beauty of the merganser!

  5. These are wonderful. So glad you took the time and braved the weather to take them.
