Friday, December 19, 2008

Snow Shots

Well, hello deer! She was just a few feet from the road, so I stopped and took her portrait.

This lil guy wasn't as accomodating, so I left him alone.

This 8 pointer still had a few ladies hanging around, just out of frame.

Winter's christmas ornament adorned with snow.

The Playboy logo. I'm hoping a screech owl might find it attractive in the future.


  1. The first portrait of the deer is absolutely beautiful. I live in the suburbs so photographing wildlife is limited to squirrels and a few birds for me. Your photos are great.

  2. Hannibal Rules! Always the best shots and most creative finds.

    Come on and tell the truth. How long did it take you to carve that bunny? LOL

    Good stuff Hannibal,

  3. The deer's nose looks cold. That wasp nest is quite a find. Beautiful pictures.

  4. Loved natures Christmas ornament! :) and I agree with everyone on the does pic being outstanding!!

  5. It that where old bunnies go when they retire?


  6. There's nothing like opening a blog and there face to face and in living color is a doe looking back! It was more like a window! Well....hello to you too. Loved it and the buck and the playboy bunny 'hole' is priceless. Great finds!

  7. Great photos and pretty funny too!!
    Keep em comin Hannibal!

  8. Beautiful portrait, but then what else can we expect from Hannibal.

  9. Oh my how I love those doe eyes!! Remarkable shots, love the shy boy too! ha ha on the playboy bunny logo..interesting what the mind's eye sees..tee he

  10. That first photo just blew me away! That should be framed, on a greeting card, or painted or all of the above! I loved the soft snow on that sweet deer's face.
    LOL about the bunny logo on the tree! Maybe the owls will think it's a good place to romance!

  11. The doe with snow on her face is gorgeous!

  12. My sister has a christmas ornament hanging in her yard too and is waiting for the wind to blow it down...aren't they beautiful! That first shot is wonderful and I can count the snow flakes in it!

  13. I agree with everyone else, that doe shot is one of the best deer portraits I have ever seen. Her eyes look like they are alive and not on a computer screen.

    The bunny hole is just too funny!

  14. That deer close-up in just gorgeous my friend :-)

  15. Beautiful girl.. the does are so often overlooked by photographers... thanks for the beautiful ornament.. and I love the playboy bunny hole.. can't wait to see if you find anything living inside this spring..
