Thursday, December 18, 2008

It's Not Delivery, It's DiGiorno!

First and foremost, I must apologize for these photos.

I am finding out that my first winter season lens (Canon 100-400mm) has a tempermental focus with varying temperatures of inside car degree and outside degree difference. It must be because it is built like a tank with plenty of cold steel bulk to absorb the extremes. I have never had a problem with my other lenses of lesser quality. So...I've been freezing my lens for better results...Let me explain: Since the lens is fogging inside the car, I have to keep the car colder on the inside to regulate the temperature. If you ask if I am out of my mind???? You are right...I am freezing my booty off, but...I prefer quality...sooo it's worth it...kinda...but only when I apply the technology! Doh! This explains these crappy photos, I was not prepared when I happened upon this coyote desperate for a meal.

He was only 15 feet away, but my car was quite warm, causing grainy blurry photos.

The title to this post refers to the "frozen road pizza" he was taking home to eat.

I'm not sure on what the frozen critter is...Rabbit? Opossum?

I feel bad for this guy, because as the winter has only just settled in, and just like our economy, this coyote is in a recession, settling for frozen carcasses to get him through the season. It will be a long and cold winter. I hope he makes it...


  1. What a wonderful up close and personal look at the coyote. I felt like I could look right into his eyes. Frozen road pizza, he must have been too busy getting ready for the holidays like the rest of us :-)

  2. What an awesome photo opportunity! The photos are great (even if they are slightly blurry).

  3. He does have that look of desperation in his eyes....he must be to try to ingest that flat piece of fur! Great pics.

  4. Now that is nature photography! Good stuff.


  5. There has got to be a better way to keep your lens from fogging!! brrrrr I'm cold listening to you. None the less, you got some great shots anyway. The poor thing does look desperate for food. He will have to take that frozen pizza back to his den and sleep on it to thaw it out and eat it!! haha

  6. Frozen critter treats! I'm sure it will get him through. Great shots even if it isn't the best of the bunch!
    Thanks Hannibal!

  7. These are great action shots and you really nailed the eyes. I sure he makes it through the winter.

  8. You have a beautiful blog with some amazing images of birds. I liked the Sandhill Cranes series the best...Thomas

  9. Hannibal,
    Wow, I am so impressed with what you find to photograph! I think your photos are wonderful, just to capture this guy must have been a thrill, enough to keep the adrenlin flowing for additional warmth, maybe!! Even so what great shots. I agree with you and sure hope he finds addional food as the worst of winter closes in!! Thanks for sharing these..great post.

  10. Great post.. I tend to make sure my lens is "warm" inside the car before I open the lens cap and try to These animals all seem to get less picky as it gets colder out.. thanks for sharing
