Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Pheasants Forever

The pheasants were everywhere I went, looking for food, which is unusual since you rarely see them...

I'm sure it is tough finding food with all of the ice coating everything...

An ice storm blanketed the entire region...

The birds must be struggling to find things to eat...

My heart goes out to them...

I took bird seed with me on this trip and threw it around...

The forecast for the next few days is frightening...

Lots of snow, then lots of sleet, then more snow. I don't remember a winter this severe, and it has only just begun...

Lots more "icy" pics tomorrow...


  1. How in the world do you get such fantastic shots? I just love coming here, it's like opening a virtual photographic coffee table book each morning! I love pheasants (we have some living in our grove and have named the rooster, Joseph, for his coat of many colors) and we are lucky to have lots of them in rural MN. I have never gotten such a close and colorful shot in all my years of trying to capture them with the camera. What size lens do you use? I will be back to look at this post again and again.

  2. that first shot is awesome. I could see that framed on the wall. The male is the most colorful bird and beautiful to behold and the female is just as beautiful. I hope you can feed them through this cold spell you are having.

  3. Those pics definitely deserve to be framed! Absolutely stunning!! I worry for all the wildlife at this time too (we are having unusually harsh weather for this area (Pac. NW) too.

  4. This is a wonderful pose of the pair and in spite of the snow and cold they actually seem playful. This is wildlife photography at its best and as was already suggested I have this printed and on the wall.

  5. Exquisite Hannibal! A great setting to photograph them and their beautiful feathers captured. These should be in a magazine!!

  6. Beautiful Hannibal! It's been very rough this year. I hope it thaws a bit so they can forage. It was very sweet of you to bring them something to tide them over.

  7. Thanks everyone for your encouraging comments! You all are so nice to ol' Hannibal! Thank you!

    Marsha, what lens I always have on hand is my trusty Canon 100-400mm IS L. I was probably less than 20 feet away with most of these shots. I wasn't kidding, they were everywhere, pretty much near the road walking the ditches. Poor things...I've never gotten this close either. There were probably around 15-20 that I saw that day. Good luck! Thanks again!

  8. Hanibal.. what a bright and vibrant treat.. beautiful.. all I saw this morning was a few females.. the cold is going to be rough on all of the wild animals.. hope it lets up some soon.
