Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Bluebird Icicles

I found these bluebirds foraging for anything they could find among the ice-laden ditches along a wooded road. There were at least 5 in the flock, but I suspect more.

I found a decent parking spot and watched them as they combed the brush for a morsel of food.

I don't know what they might find in this ice-stricken forest.

As I listened for their communication peeps, I mostly heard the branches of the trees crinkling and crunching from their mummified enclosures as the wind moved through them. What an interesting sound...

I never could get the bluebirds to land on my good side, putting me between them and the sun.

Perching on a snowball, was the chief patrolman, looking for those potentially dangerous cars to alert the flock if need be.

Since it's the 24th, and I didn't (forgot) prepare a Christmas greeting, I will just end this post with: Merry Christmas everyone!


  1. Very nice blog...I added you to my long birdie blogroll.
    Poor little birdies...looks like winter is tough for them all over the north. Just traveled from NC to CT for the holidays...and lots of snow and cold here too.

  2. Well I think these are just great! Such beautiful colors in such an icy world! Thanks Hannibal!

  3. Wow, I love both sets of bird pics with the iced up trees as a back ground. Bluebird pics are always fun but getting the shot with the unique back ground make them outstanding.

    Hope that you have a very Happy Holidays.

  4. Lovely shots :-) What a great setting to see them in !

  5. Nice post Hannibal and Merry Christmas to you and yours!


  6. Merry Christmas blessing to you Hannibal... It was so strange to see the bluebirds on the ice laden branches. And the one standing on a snow ball cracked me up..I could just see his little feet moving and the snowball rolling along.

  7. Fantastic shots Hanibal.. just hope these little ones find enough to eat to get them through.. Merry Christmas to you and yours as well. and thanks for sharing

  8. I love all of these but have to agree with bird girl on that first image. Thanks for sharing these and have a nice christmas.

  9. Hannibal, How do you do always capture the most adoring pictures of the little birds..and we all know how we love those blues! That first picture says a million words..and the protector perched on the snowball is a hoot. I so hope they found enough to keep going until it warms a bit. Lovely post, as usual, and I hope you had a wonderful Holiday!!

  10. Ice and bluebirds, very nice. I always wondered where the bluebirds went when they left Tennessee.

  11. Bluebirds are one of my favorites (I have SO many)and these pics definitely captured their beauty! Thanks Hannibal!
