I got him last night. He was in good light, found at about 1 in the afternoon, wandering around looking for a date.

8 points and a low rise to the rack. I think it means he's "gangsta".

Another 8 pointer. He's got a lot of height which makes him king in his territory.

Another 8 pointer. He's got a nice and square shape to his crown.
Now for an observation. I barely spotted a buck in this tree line. He is waaay...out there but I did take a few reference shots.

Can you see him?

How about now? Do you see what I see?

Are you kidding me? Holy hatrack Batman...that rack is HUGE!

Here's another angle...

another angle...

and another angle...
I have been cruizing this particular area for years and years, and I can tell you that I have seen many a buck in my experience. I have also seen the same bucks year after year after year. I have never seen this one, or have ever seen one with a rack this size anywhere, and we grow them pretty big here in Illinois. There is a reason he is as big as he is, and thats because he is smarter than your average deer, and keeps away from the roads and humans. He stays out of sight! If the hunters know about this bad boy, his days would be numbered if they had anything to do with it. I'm glad I saw him, and of course I want to see him close up, but I won't hold my breathe because he isn't your average deer. Good luck buddy!
What a wonderful look at these bucks. I loved it.
There is nothing like seeing a big buck in the woods, or along the road, or anywhere. Hope you get that big rack close up for us to see, but knowing deer it will take some super good luck!! Enjoyed these deer you shot greatly!
I hope your big buck makes it! I enjoyed all these shots!
Hannibal I can't believe the number of bucks you've got on the move. I was watching a herd of 50 in the spring and couldn't wait until fall to see how many would get antlers and now they're gone. I sure hope you spot that big one again for some more shots.
That post far exceeded my normal daily dose of rack. That is a lot of bucks. Very cool!
I should say so! Very nice indeed.
Wonderful images, I bet there are hunters crying right now.
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