Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Goose Lake Walk

I grabbed my buddy Pam for a walk in Goose Lake yesterday. The day was perfect and I had not been shooting anything because of the rainy weather lately. My choice of Goose Lake was in hopes of finding the Sandhill Cranes I have not seen, only heard, before they migrate out of here. (We did not see/hear them)

Our walk was unproductive. We saw a few goldfinches and swallows, but that was about it for small birds.

The wildflowers blanketed the prairie, but the familiar birds have dissappeared.

There were masses of butterflies. (ID help?)

Dragonflies and grasshoppers were plentiful too.

Oh well, it was a gorgeous day for a walk...


  1. Love your site. Your pictures are amazing and I have had such a nice time looking though them!
    Take care

  2. Those country landscapes are to die for!
    We went out to the mountains to Shenandoah Nat Park, and had the same luck - no birds nor wildlife in sight - we heard 1 catbird and 1 pileated WP and saw a chipmunk - that was it - the first time we have ever gone and come back with blank memory cards!

  3. I think the butterfly is a Common Wood-Nymph, and I think the dragonfly is a Common Whitetail. Very nice photos!

  4. You hooked me on the first photo! :-) - Great shots!

  5. You dragon appears to be a Common Whitetail Libellula lydia.
    Happy to be corrected.
