Friday, September 12, 2008

Soaking in the Rain

I came home after work yesterday to a gentle rain. As I walked past the kitchen window and peered out to the hummer feeder, as I always do, I caught this guy taking a bath in the rain. I grabbed my camera, made a makeshift tripod out of the sink, with a 12 pack of Diet Coke and an inverted pie pan, opened the window and shot away...

He seemed to really enjoy himself, as he closed his eyes and soaked it all in...

He made sure he washed his delicates...

And under his arms...

He really seemed to be enjoying himself...

He guarded the feeder constantly, even though he was soaked...

It looks as if he is trying to catch raindrops...

Shooting the other feeder made for a nice bokeh in the nice drizzle...


  1. Oh my...those are perfection itself! ...the first one especially! Thanks for sharing...I'm just smiling away now.

  2. Great job I love the first one also.

  3. I just loved how this little bird enjoyed the rain - you got some amazing captures!

  4. I agree with everyone else...these pictures are absolutely amazing. Loving Hummers as I do, it is such a delight to catch one so perfectly as you did just a soaking up the rain! I loved every single one!
