Thursday, September 4, 2008

Meet Big Jewel

I've said alot about hummers lately and want to introduce "Big Jewel", the dominant male for this week at my feeder. He is a juvy, since his ruby throat is not yet fully developed. It seems the adult males have already moved on, so sentry duty has been taken over by this guy, guarding the feeder from other hummers, claiming it as his territory. I call him "Big Jewel" because from a distance, you get quite a big shine from his throat, compared to the other juvy males with throats not so rubified, if that is a word.

Here he is at an angle which does not show the metallic shine on his gorget (throat).

Time is ticking as the hummer migration has started. I hope to have them for a few more weeks, but the temperature around here has fallen...


  1. Big Jewel is the perfect name for him! Excellent shots! (First time I've seen a juvy hummer.)

  2. Wow! Such beautiful hummer picts. I love his name. Perfect!
