Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Lifer: Barn Owl

I don't know how I can ask for more from Mother Nature than to request for a "in-the-wild" Barn Owl. This owl has been at the top of my list for...ever...

I didn't ever have much hope for ever seeing a wild Barn Owl as my photographic years pass, but with the help of a great friend, the day finally came...

I got the call and dropped everything.  I drove 45 miles and almost instantly found my prize.  He was gorgeous!  He was backlit, but still do-able photographically. The excitement was surreal! I couldn't believe I was looking up at one.  Now for the hard part...

To get this guy focused and choosing the right settings was, to say the least, difficult!  Backlighting is always tricky, but taking my time and adjusting this and that, especially the tripod at this almost vertical position, I finally was set properly, although my neck disagrees whole-heartedly.

The results were pleasing in reference to the raptors colors, although I would always favor a more pleasing backdrop in this case.  I cannot complain...

Interestingly, 2 trees away from the Barny was a Long-eared Owl, which I will publish next...


  1. Ahhhhhh......you gave me goosebumps. I know the thrill...the hunt of ANY owl. I LOVE this bird very much. I found a Barn Owl this year after that I went on a hunt for the Great Horned Owl....got sidetracked and discovered a Western Screech Owl....and well....owls are amazing. So I am thrilled you have discovered this beautiful bird in the wild. I would have done the same and DID with the Great Horned owl several weeks back. Love the picture and look forward to more....Chris Las Aventuras

  2. Many congratulations on a wonderful find and lovely photograph with super detail.

  3. Great find in the wild!! The Long-eared would have been a lifer for me. My first Barn owl was seen along a driveway to a house we were working on over looking the Ohio River. From the truck window it was 30 foot away in plain site, no camera.

  4. Such a beauty. This one is still on my list.

  5. Fabulous! I have never seen a Barn Owl!!
