Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Killdeer Family Survival

I have always wanted to see Killdeer eggs hatch, and had a mom on my radar for weeks.

She sat on a good spot, but being there when it was happening is a lot to ask. I can't camp out, but knew it was a matter of days or even hours this past weekend. Of course, when I arrived Monday morning, the chicks were born and scurrying around. I missed it! Oh well, at least they are still near the nest, so I can only be a few hours late. Getting down to business, I'm hoping I can get a shot I've been wanting forever, so I take couple hundred cutie shots of the newborn action.

Climbing this curb was fun to watch. The chick made it to the top with those stilted legs doing their job.

Dad tried to lure me away with his best broken wing display, but gave up after I backed off a little further away.

Click on any photo to much larger!

Watching the chicks tuck under mom for security and warmth was the shots I was after.

Wanting to see all those lanky legs under moms fluff was a shot I was going for, but I settled for these which were adorable to watch, as they scooted under and disappeared. What happened next though was shocking...

A Mink came out of the tall grasses and attacked the Dad. Dad was quick enough to fly up instantainiously and retaliate by dive-bombing the Mink. Mom joined in and kept the Mink distracted from her babies until it fled back into the grasses. This all happened in a nano-second and then it was over.

I got a total of 3 shots, it happened so fast. 2 of them were barely in the frame. I posted this half-Mink shot because you can see the chick in the background on the right side. The Mink by-passed the easy meal to go after the larger prey. Luckily, it lost the fight and the Killdeer family remained intact!

So it was a VERY happy ending for the Killdeer family! (And this photographer!)


  1. Fabulous series of shots, and a happy ending no less! Those chicks are adorable.

  2. Oh my, what a splendid post and beautiful pictures... And a plus you got some nature action with no rewards for the predator and no danger for a wonderful family... The shot with the chicks are wonderful... specially the one you were aiming at.. They are gorgeous.... But I also love the displaying dad ;-)

  3. Love the Killdeer series and the storyline. Thanks for sharing!

  4. That is an amazing encounter. I would like to film a situation such as that, but with my luck, I would have never gotten the camera powered up.

  5. WOW! What a day! Talk about reality shows!

  6. Incredible! Great killdeer shot and then the mink attack! Wow! What an outing!

  7. Amazing! But I just have to point out that it was a sad ending for the mink. Minks have got to eat too!
