Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Scarlet Tanager

Scarlet Tanager, originally uploaded by Hannibals Animals.

Always an exciting migrator to find, the Scarlet Tanager is a striking black-winged red bird, and is a common species of the eastern forest interior. Despite its brilliant coloring it is often overlooked because of its rather secretive behavior and its preference for the forest canopy. Luckily, I found this one pretty low, preening leaves for bugs.

Scarlet Tanager


  1. Oh my! Gorgeous images of a most beautiful bird! Absolute perfection!

  2. I really think you'll enjoy this video of an annoyed snowy owl in Nunavut, Canada


    Please consider posting a link on your blog to help this unique video receive more exposure!

    Thank you!

  3. Hello

    Beatyful bird. We haven't here in Germany not so a beautyful bird.

    Lots greetings from Germany

  4. Very beautiful bird and nice captures of him!

  5. Another series to be proud of. We had a lot of these when I first started photographing, but I haven't seen one for year. They say it is because the deer have eaten the understory up, but I don't really believe that (or at least want to believe it). Whatever the case they are gone here, and I would love to have an encounter such as you had and be proud to capture it so well.
