Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Black-billed Cuckoo

Black-billed Cuckoo, originally uploaded by Hannibals Animals.

A lifer came into play when I heard the weirdest sound coming from a wooded area. I had never heard a cuckoo, so I expected to see something like a quail or maybe a small furry critter on the ground, if anything. Well, lucky for me, he landed in a tree behind me and began his call again, confirming the source. He used all of his many calls which was such a treat to hear before he flew off.

Cool Facts: Cuckoos eat many spiny caterpillars and the spines stick in the lining of the stomach. The stomach lining is periodically shed to remove the spines.
The apparent tendency to call more frequently before rain explains why both Black-billed and Yellow-billed cuckoos are called "Rain Crows."

bb cuckoo flight


  1. Oh he's wonderful. Believe it or not, I've had two lifers in the last two days! One was a female Evening Grosbeak....we just don't ever see them here, and the other was a Western Tanager. I've got photos of both. I posted the Evening Grosbeak today, the Tanager is for tomorrow's post. So, we're both very lucky!

  2. Congrats Hannibal! Such a sleek looking bird. Everyone is getting lifers but me - I better get out there more - lol!

  3. wow these shots are great and the last is simply magnificent!!! What a dynamic shot!!!

  4. Congratulations on capturing this elusive bird. I have seen them a few times and heard them many more, but never got any good photos.

  5. The last photograph is incredible! Catching the cuckoo in flight, razor sharp, against such a busy background, WOW!
