Thursday, March 17, 2011

Killdeer Flight Shots and a Tumor?

So the weather is getting warmer, and it's been a long time since I could hike in optimal conditions, so todays shots were in 55 degree weather with a bit of a breeze. A stronger wind makes for optimal flight shots. Why? When they surf the wind, they sort of hang there in the headwind, giving you a bit more trigger time. The skies were gorgeous too!

Killdeer Tumor?

Check out that bulge in it's belly. Is that a tumor? (Unlaid eggs would bulge behind the legs.)

Killdeer Pair

It's hard enough to get a close up flight shot of killdeer, let alone 2 in focus. Skill? Sure, I was tracking the one, when the other flew into frame. Luck? Definately!


  1. Don't know about the first one - I mean whether it's a tumor or not. Sure looks like it. The second shot is just superb! A lot of my shots are strictly luck when it comes to BIF shots. Great work!

  2. Luck is a good friend when it comes to photography,at least it is for me.These pictures are brilliant.

  3. Sorry, but I too can't shed any light on the first image. What I do know, however, is that the second is a fabulous image. Great work!

  4. You did it again. Wow! I saw my first killdeer of the spring yesterday but their flight mode leaves me helpless for shots. On the other hand a small group of sandhills was along the shoreline of the new opened pond and the stood still for me. :)

  5. I came here by accident but a nice accident. This is a really nice blog.Congratulations.

  6. Well done on both photo's!
    As for the first one, it appears to be a deformity, I only see one leg.


    Explore. Dream. Discover.
