Monday, March 21, 2011


Imposter!, originally uploaded by Hannibals Animals.

This Doe is NOT the Easter Bunny! She tried to fool me with her fluffy white tail and long whiskers and all around cuteness, but I saw right through her facade. She should try out for the Cadbury Egg commercial.


  1. LOL....such a look on her face.

  2. Thanks for the smile :) I love this wonderful image! Fantastic!

  3. Hi everybody


    I just had to laugh just when you meant it would not be the Easter bunny. This photo you have succeeded very well indeed. I am a bit last weekend came before the lens.And while a buzzard. He made ​​it for themselves comfortable on a field where I can not resist it could then take pictures. Although I have it unfortunately only get to see from the back but for now, better than never.
    Just look after me on my homepage under the category of photography.
    Random item photo album.

    Lots greetings from Germany


  4. A staggeringly good to look at deer pic......

  5. An excellent portrait of my favorite animal.

  6. I just found your site and although I havn't had the time to see all your past work, I have totally enjoyed what I have seen. Definatly on my watch list. I can't wait to sit down and spend the time to look over everything. Thanks for sharing your amazing work.
