Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Welcome Outdoor Blogger Network!

Hi Guys! Thanks for clicking through to my lil ol blog! For those of you who are regulars and don't know what I am talking about, I've been featured on their site. More on that later...

I thought I'd better feature something good for you new folks, so I pulled out a biggie, for me at least...

This image is a teaser:

I have much better photos of this creature, including portraits and up close with prey shots, but I've been saving the series until something possibly great (for me) to happen, which should be in a few months. So, now I ask for a little audience participation. I need you all to hold your breath. O.K., inhale...hold it...hold it...
Why? I'm hoping to score the cover of a magazine I submitted to. I have had contact with the editor, and she is considering me for the cover. Wouldn't that be cool? I've never even attempted being published before, and on my first try, the cover?!? I'm pretty excited!

So there you have it! Take a guess at what it is! Hint: This guy is no ordinary creature, he's a very rare color morph. Go ahead, take a shot!

Now for those bloggers who don't belong to the Outdoor Blogger Network, go ahead and click on the logo I have featured on the upper right hand corner. You will find it worth a look. These people have everything you need wrapped up in one site. They feature blogs from around the country in their blog directory, have lots of giveaways and even do gear reviews. Wear their badge proudly, as I do, and you might even get their "Spotlight of the Week". Check them out! I love those guys! Just look at what they wrote about me, it cracked me up! Thanks Outdoor Blogger Network!


  1. Good luck.You deserve to be published,I always admire your photos.This one looks like a special capture.

  2. beyond blogworthy, I imagine we'll all be experiencing your work via the printed page before too long. Look forward to it! mike

  3. I'm surprised you haven't been featured on National Geographic Magazine Hannibal! You should be!
    Can't wait to see more!

  4. Good luck on the cover and I can't wait to see the rest of the pictures. It looks like some type of fox, but not sure which one. Incredible coloring though.

    Thanks for sharing.

  5. Oh - Hope you get on the cover! What an honor, and you're such a terrific photographer!

  6. Dropped by after the heads up by the OBN, jaw dropping pictures me dear, now if only I could learn which end of the camera to point......

  7. Wow! A Silver phase red fox? I have only ever seen one of these up on the Canadian tundra.

    Good luck with the cover, its always an honor to have our work published and your work certainly measures up!

  8. found you through the outdoor blogger listing, pay off with visitors already!

  9. I'm going with a fox... maybe a weird color phase for a red fox?

  10. It is a Black/Silver phase Red Fox. I didn't even know they existed to tell the truth. I was extremely excited to get some photos! A friend told me about it, so I went in search of him, (luckily)found him and took photos just the 1 day. He hasn't been seen since.

  11. Love your photos! Enjoyed your blog, as I love nature myself. Feel free to check out mine: http://nadow.blogspot.com/ ...I just started- I'm an English Teacher in Tampa and I thought I'd make a space where I could talk about nature and the environment and technology, you might like it :)
    -Aimee from Tampa
