Thursday, December 16, 2010

Snow buntings

I love when these guys come around! They all have such unique markings!


  1. WOW! Gorgeous shots.I have never seen them sitting on the power lines.

  2. Nice. I LOVE the one facing the opposite direction of the other 4. =) Cute.

  3. They are just as cute in IL as they are in AL Hannibal!! hahahaha!
    Love seeing them in any state!

  4. They sure are pretty birds. I don't think I've ever seen any around here. Very nice shots.

  5. Another species I have never seen. Beautiful shots!

  6. Is that the blueist sky you have ever seen? I have never seen those birds up that close before and oh ya by the way I love the header.

    Whitetail Woods Blog / Deer Hunting and Blackpowder Shooting at it’s best.

  7. Happy New Year!
    Ok, I have more to say than just that....
    Congrats to you, your blog has been chosen as one of this weeks featured Outdoor Blogs on the Outdoor Blogger Network.
    Your RSS feed is live on the homepage and the announcement post is up. Well done and may I say....amazing pictures.
    Rebecca and Joe
