Monday, November 1, 2010

Tall Tines

Tall Tines, originally uploaded by Hannibals Animals.

I liked this unusually shaped (non-typical) rack, especially the extra tall brow tines. His neck isn't swelled too much, but another week and he should really show that the rut has begun! Note: It looks as if one of his tines was damaged, but its an old wound I think.

Tall Tines




  1. Fantastic pictures...they are such handsome animals. I love the colors in the second and third photo.

  2. Wow awesome pictures... Incredibly beautiful! Nature is so beautiful isn't it? and gives you tons of memorable moments! Well done these portraits are simply perfect!

  3. Impressive shot's, and yourt right the rack is very nice!

  4. Amazing captures! He's so very beautiful, and your photos are so sharp and nice done.

  5. What a set of brows!! Excellent work Hannibal.

    You just gotta love the rut for bringing these guys out into the open.

  6. Beautiful portraits, how could anyone not be able to just set and stare at such an awesome creature. The background colors and depth of field are perfect for this buck.

    I hope the upcoming rut is very good to you.
