Friday, October 22, 2010

A Conversation with Buck

I spent some serious quality time with this fella. If I didn't know any better, I'd say he was trying to woo this cougar, I'm just saying...I shot over 300 frames, and even some video, as he sniffed, stomped and licked. I gave him my best "bleat" which must have been pretty good, as he stomped a few more times. It was a great moment!

Uploaded by Hannibals Animals on 22 Oct 10, 7.34AM CDT.


  1. Beautiful head shot of a very handsome fella!

  2. Wow what a Gorgeous Buck!!!!! and the lighting was perfect!!!!! I know how at times we need to shoot hundreds of shots to get that perfect one....and Thank Goodness for digital format cameras....sure couldn't do that with film...Love your Work!!!!!!

  3. Great photograph, it looks like you had that perfect day spending time with this buck and the little one below. I do not know about you but I can spend the time without even shooting with animals like this and feel like it just doesn't get any better than that.

    I noticed the outdoor blogger network logo on the home screen. I also got a message from them but am never quick to jump into anything. Does it seem good to you and are you getting any traffic from the site? I would love to be able to increase the traffic cominh to my site to share the photos with others.

    Happy shooting, Brad.

  4. Wow! I do not have any words to tell you my feelings when I saw this shot. Wow! That's a perfect one for sure, a masterpiece!

  5. I enjoyed all of your deer photos since my last visit. They are my favorite animal and I never tire of photographing them or looking at them.

    I liked the buck in the water, as that type of shot is very rare here, but the interaction shots are excellent too.
