Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Good Grief!

Good Grief!, originally uploaded by Hannibals Animals.

We all prepare for that moment that will happen at any minute. We have our cameras on the ready, settings fixed to the upcoming conditions, ready to fire. We sweep the areas we know that are best known for producing our subjects, all the while, driving carefully as we go. Sometimes, we get into a routine as we visit those same areas and we stumble on a surprise waiting for us that we are kind of blind to in those in-between areas. Here is an example. This guy was just a few yards off the road at an area just a hint past a "good spot". I was looking back at the road. He would have been perfect. I slowly passed him by before I saw him out my passenger side window. I put the car in reverse ever so carefully, but we all know what happened. What was I thinking...They could be anywhere right now, and he was. The grief, the pain, the self abuse...The best I could manage was a grunt so he stopped, but not before hiding behind this tree like Charlie Brown, ruining the shot!

I was schooled by an old buck and paid the price!


  1. Excellent story ;-) This does happen sometime ;-)

  2. Great narrative, and the tree didn't ruin the shot by any means, look at it as adding interest to the photo! Nice work.

  3. I'm with the others - I think the tree gives the shot a lot of character

  4. I know that type of situation all too well. Put it in reverse and they seldom stand still. I do agree with the others though that the shot still worked out quite well.
