Thursday, August 26, 2010

Tree frog

This was a fun shoot, since I don't care to touch cold-blooded things. But... I made an exception for this guy, well kinda... I used a scoop and gently placed him in the mulchy area. I just couldn't conjure up the "Butch Bad-ass" in myself this time. He's cute though, right? He was very cooperative, although I couldn't get him to stick to a tree. I also wanted the "hang-in-there" shot as he would dangle from...something, but I felt that would stress even more. Thanks lil guy for putting up with me!


  1. How cute it is, especially on the last one where the background is terrific, Gorgeous pictures and frog ;-)

  2. Nice set of images. I like the last one as well, with the soft blurry background.

  3. awwww a little froggie camera shoot! He was very co-operative and sedate. Made for nice photos. Liked the Hummingbird moth below too.

  4. A fine looking little fellow - I think he likes you! Sadly I have not seen tree frog or even toads in our area for the past fifteen years. We used to have many varieties - but something has changed. ATB!

  5. I have seen many frog, but in the image is different from the others. I want to know about the poisonous frog.
