Monday, May 17, 2010


Well, I am only showing 4 warblers here, but...3 of the 4 are lifers! I haven't included the common types like butterbutts, palms and yellows, but it has been pretty dry around here until this weekend when certain trees were very active.

Canada Warbler - Lifer

Blackburnian Warbler - Lifer

Magnolia Warbler - not a lifer but a beauty for sure!

Mourning Warbler - Lifer


  1. All four are wonderful birds and you got four nice pictures. Well done on these lifers!!

  2. You did great.. you have to work to get these guys as well as you did...I tend to give up before I start.. Hooray for you!

  3. Congrats on all the lifers. Glad you found so many...that means they are still on the move north. The Butterbutts I has last week were here only one day and then gone. Haven't seen a warbler since.

  4. How fantastic to see these 4 - how thrilling! Great photos.

  5. Great photographs as always. I envy you and the amount of different birds you get to see and photograph. I do not know if we do not have that many species or if I just do not know the right places to go around here.

    Alway looking forward to the next post to see what new bird you will have for us.

  6. Wow and to get such great pictures is amazing!

  7. beautiful birds and images you have captured.

  8. I really enjoyed this series on the warblers. You always take such beautiful photographs.
