Thursday, May 13, 2010

For Rick at Whitetail Woods

So I took a photo of a Cardinal the other day, something I just don't do often enough. The common birds get passed over, as the more uncommon birds are more my style. Anyway, Rick, as always, left a comment on one of my posts, and requested a Cardinal, as it is his favorite bird. Well, I happened by a Cardinal on one of my adventures, thought of Rick, took his photo and moved on. When I processed the image, it just was not one of those super sharp images I like to post, so I set it aside. Well I took a look at it today, thought I would add a filter to it, liked my choice, and so here it is. Thanks Rick, for the inspiration! Check out his blog here



click to enlarge


  1. Absolutely beautiful. Nice work!

  2. That is so cool. thank you for remembering. I love it!
