Thursday, April 29, 2010

American Family Values

American Bald Eagles with at least 1 Eaglet!

This is Mom! (Click on photos to enlarge!)

Discovered the chick yesterday! And so exciting to see the general population of eagles comeback and are thriving locally! This is the second year for this nesting site! Woohoo!

This is Dad!


  1. Very cool, let's hope it will survive for the sake of the species! beautiful set of pictures!

  2. Wow! I can see why you are so nice to know you can visit this nest whenever!! That in itself would give me a thrill!!

  3. This litle guy is so cute! These eagle seems to be going better and better. We find more and more nest everywhere...great!

  4. I have really enjoyed catching up on your blog this morning. You have a good variety of shots. It seems like all I can get is turkey and deer.

  5. Ok so I squealed at your pictures! Baby bald eagle! So cute! So awesome!
    I agree with you, it's really nice to see these birds bouncing back. They used to be a very rare sighting around here but they are becoming more and more common.
    Thanks for sharing these photos :)

  6. I'm so excited to have the eagles coming back in my area, too - it's always a thrill to see them. I'm envious of your having captured the eaglet, but have to admit that, like so many other birds, the babies start out pretty ugly! Thanks for sharing the photos.
