Friday, April 30, 2010

Aerial Refueling

So I was shooting this male harrier, panning as he flew with a mouse in his talons. Cool right? Anyway, he starts calling and I thought, oh this should be good...The female takes flight from somewhere below, starts calling to him and I just knew what I was about to see, although I have never seen it before. Check these out!

Here's where the quality goes south but still, exciting!

She is calling now...She comes in closer...


He drops his cargo as she pulls into range! Can you see her talons moving forward?

She catches the mouse and flies to the same place on the ground from where she started. I wonder if she is feeding chicks?

He landed on a post a few yards from her. I walked a ways and investigated. I heard nothing in the way of peeps. I could see him the entire time, never saw her, he flew off when I got about 10 yards from him. My suspicions, although not confirmed, are still there...


  1. Amazing! I swear you always witness the coolest things ;)

  2. This is amazing to see and so exciting to have captured the series.What a thrill!

  3. tottalllllyy cool! And how great you got it all on camera, neat-o! Glad the sir is taking care of his lady :) COuld be nestlings or courtship behavior - either way, great stuff!

  4. Great capture. Must have been a proud feeling to witness this live! Thanks for sharing
