Thursday, March 4, 2010

The One That Got Away!

The One That Got Away!, originally uploaded by Hannibals Animals.

It's been really slow for me lately. I can't seem to find anything, and even something as interesting as this opossum can't stand to even look my way! Come On! I can't catch a break!


  1. I personally love this photo. That little foot and tail swishing away from you! I'd be pleased to see this.

  2. Look at his little pink foot.. I like this photo a lot. Don't be discouraged I'm sure you will be seeing more and more interesting things coming up.. Spring is ready to burst on the scene everywhere...if the darn snow would just melt.

  3. I think it's a cute photo! I like his pink foot too! Can't believe how much snow you have there! It's been melting away over here. I better be quiet or a snowstorm will head my way again - lol!
