Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Bald Eagle Building Nest

Bald Eagle building nest, originally uploaded by peghan01.

After taking a drive just to check for activity at the nesting site of the bald eagles from last spring, I was thrilled to discover the pair working on the nest! How exciting is that? Last year, I didn't know about it happening until May, but this time I have a huge head start!

If you see that this post looks alittle different, well it is...I started using Flickr to upload, as the quality from Blogger just wasn't cutting it... The only problem now, is figuring out how to upload multiple images...


  1. Awesome, that sure looks like a proud eagle.

  2. Hi,
    I guess you were excited. This is quite an encounter! Great shot!

  3. Wonderful! Love those Eagle shots.

  4. It seems that you are one of the few out there in blogger land that isn't suffering from "blogger block'.. All the ones on my list are missing or posting very few .. Great Eagle capture. I'm glad you are still plugging away.

  5. I like situations such as this where you have the opportunity to document a bird or animal over a period of time. I hope that nothing happens to the bird and that you get a lot of photos of it.

    I also really liked the series of the Red-Tail. I think photo #3 is especially dramatic looking.

  6. This is so thrilling...I can't wait to see what other pictures you take of this fantastic bird and its family! Now, I am getting really jealous of all your wonderful finds..such neat photos!!

  7. So cool. We have a nest about a half mile from here and this spring an eagle flew right over my house at tree top level carrying a pine bough. You gotta love it!
