Tuesday, December 8, 2009


A close encounter with a beautifully marked Red-tailed Hawk produced more than some decent images. He or she was quite upset with it's photo being taken and gave me the what-what with a shriek that lasted for about 10 frames. These are the images that were the cleanest...(Although Blogger is photo-horrible!)


  1. Wow, he/she was not a happy bird! The 'take off' photo is awesome, gorgeous.

  2. Great pictures. That bird was definitely not happy to see you.

  3. Beautiful pictures, we have a lot of red-tailed hawks where I live.

  4. Someone seems a little worked up! Great shots, and yup, that take off one is very cool! I love when raptors let you approach them and don't flush right away. Good stuff!

  5. Amazing series of shots.Wow!

  6. Incredible captures, Hannibal! I wouldn't want to be the bane of that raptors eye..it looks like it means business.

  7. What lovely photos. This year I have seen a fair number of hawks and falcons this year, I also saw a golden eagle, and just yesterday, a bald eagle... something I haven't seen since I left Nebraska many years ago. A great Christmas gift I would say! Your site is wonderful, you are a terrific photographer. I will certainly be back!
