Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Love is in the Air!

Spying this non-typical 19 point buck for the third time in 3 different days, I suspected on this morning, he was up to something. He was followed by 2 other big bucks, which can only mean 1 thing...A girl! As I watched, the 19 pointer chased off the other competitors, vying for the chance to find true love, who happened to be just a few yards away. He stayed very close, not letting her get too far. He watched as she fed on grasses. Her tail was at half-mast, which is a sure sign of estress. She could be ready for breeding...

Just when the strapping buck got just alittle too close, the doe took off...

They raced and zig-zagged trying to out-manuever eachother...

He started to gain speed on her...

She knew she couldn't outrun him...

So she aimed for the shortest trees...

She could easily run under the branches...

But he made ducking under those branches look easy as he stretched and ducked...

As he was passing her by, she put on the brakes and dove for cover over a hill...

She successfully got away this time, although he followed her over the hill, out of breathe. I don't know what might have happened over that hill, but he came back and gave me another shot...

Good luck next time, handsome fella!


  1. I am so thankful you have the time and patience to capture these wonderful shots. I am in awe!

  2. Those are some great pictures and some perfect timing. Awesome.

    Your spotlight will be posted next Thursday. I do it once a month and that is the reason for the wait.

  3. Wow! I was breathless watching and reading your story. I'm so glad you brave the early morning and get out and capture these shots for all of us to enjoy...

  4. Amazing series of pictures.Perhaps they were just waiting for some privacy.:)

  5. Wow, I guess you were completely excited to observe this! I would have been! But you still manage to get wonderful shots of the whole process. Let's hope he is gonna be luckier next time. beautiful shots you got there.

  6. Yes he is handsom - you made the best of this photo-op.

  7. What a great post, and some terrific photos. Really do enjoy your blog!

  8. Great series! For the whitetail enthusiast this it the most wonderful time of the year; just like Christmas for the kids!

    Thanks for your comment on my fight sequence. The bucks pictured there began sparring but became more serious as the match progressed. This was the best sequence I have been able to capture to date.

    This morning while it was still quite dark I observed two rather nice bucks circling each other with ears laid back. Soon it erupted into a short violent encounter with one buck losing his footing, too dark for photography stop action I just watched and enjoyed.
