Wednesday, November 11, 2009

10,000 Sandhill Cranes!

Jasper-Pulaski State Fish and Wildlife Area in Indiana is the temporary home for 1000's of Sandhill Cranes during migration. I try to visit once a year, and this past Saturday didn't disappoint. There were an estimated 10,000 cranes and I believe it. It is quite a spectacle to see and worth every gallon of gas to visit. The cranes feed all around the areas mass agricultural fields during the day, so touring the countryside is a can't miss locating these birds roadside. At sunset, is when the show really begins. Flocks big and small fly in to the expansive park area to rest overnight. The sky erupts with birds flying in from every direction. The sounds are constant, as their raspy calls fill the air.

A cornfield with 100's of Sandhill Cranes feeding.

An overhead flyover

Cranes coming in for a landing at dusk.

Landing gear down

Flight formation

Touchdown at dusk

A sampling of the sky when they are at their peak time flying in for the night

The colorful sky


  1. Oh how I would have loved to be there with you! These shots are amazing I can't believe there is even one with a deer in the photo. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I would LOVE to see that in person! Each photo got more beautiful with evening lighting as I scrolled down through them. Superb!

  3. This is definitely a "WOW" post. Absolutely great pictures.

  4. Awesome! You certainly captured some terrific images!

    One of the things I love about this outdoor blogging is how much we can learn from each other. I have only ever encountered sandhills in Fl and had no idea that they migrated north until outdoor bloggers such as yourself, Elaine (Alaska) and Montanagirl posted such informative post. Thanks!

    Incredibly beautiful and stunning!!!! My eyes are still rolling in their sockets!!! I'm so desperately jealous that you got to see so many but also so happy for you!!!
    Remember, if you could loose 2 or 3 of them and send them over here I'll be happy ;-)
    Your pictures are simply terrific with this wonderful light and with this huge number of crane!!! Gorgeous!

  6. What a marvelous experience and outstanding photos. I have been watching and photographing the local Sandhill crane families that breed in my area of southeast Michigan, and to see thousands in one location would be the highlight of the season. Excellent photography and thank you for posting your remarkable experience.

  7. I remember seeing fields full of them when we were trucking..never saw one up close until FL but only a few at a time.

    You sure did get some great shots.

  8. Hannibal! This would've taken my breath away to see it in real life! Those dusk pictures are simply beautiful. Thanks for sharing :)

  9. WOW what great shots. The sandhill cranes also make an annual migration in the San Luis Valley of southwestern Colorado. I never did make the trek there during the right time.

  10. With each picture I kept saying WOW. This must be an awesome spectacle.I love the silhouette shots.

  11. Fantastic photography Hannibal! I would love to be there with you.

  12. A very impressive series! I wish we had them here to photograph too.

    I also am enjoying your posts on the whitetails. It is truly a pleasure to have found another blogger that enjoys photographing them as much as my brother and I do, and to get to see the bucks from your part of the country.

    I will be posting more buck photos soon(once I get some of the elk issues out of the way).

  13. What absolutely wonderful photos! I discovered your blog from Montanagirl's blog. We too see sandhills in Montana during the summer but never in the numbers seen in your photos. We do travel south to AZ in the winter time and plan on taking the time to visit the wintering ground near Wilcox, AZ. Great blog!

  14. Aw, I love Sandhills! great shots, i especially like that third one down, very nice!
