Thursday, September 24, 2009


I am soooo bored! I can't find anything to photograph, as I am sure most of you feel the same. It's that time of year where everything is hiding among the overgrown everything.

Anyway, here are a few things that are at least something that triggered my shutter.

I happened to catch mom nurturing her young one. My lens was a bit too close, but who's complaining?

A curious Doe backlit in the evening sun.


A painted Prairie

The squirrel who keeps stealing the heads off of my sunflowers and eating them on top of my selfmade Owlbox. The quality of the box has been compromised by the squirrel over the years, and has never contained an owl. I wonder why, as I mumble grumble at that freekin squirrel...


  1. Each shot is a beautiful representation of the coming fall season, excellent presentation!

  2. I wish my "I can't find anything to photograph" photos looked half as good as yours. My favorite is the painted prarie.

  3. I'm smiling as I type.For having nothing to take pictures of,these are fantastic.Love that back lit doe.Seriously,I do know the feeling,the birds are leaving and it is just too quiet.

  4. These are the best boring shots I've ever seen!!...ahh you know what I mean Hannibal!! Be bored, it's good for all of us.
    That darn squirrel!! But he did make me laugh!

  5. I'm with anonymous in wishing my 'I can't find anything to photograph' was half as good as yours is. Love the peeking doe.

  6. wow I can't imagine what it will be if you were not bored. Gosh this second shots is splendid! Well done!

  7. These are wonderful. I love the backlit Doe shot.

  8. love the painted prairie, just beautiful.


  9. Soon there will be amazing things out there for all of us to photograph and in the meantime you've done an excellent job of showing us some beautiful common animals! I always love the deer and that squirrel is cute up there with your stolen sunflower!! But the orange bugs??? I clicked on them and was taken by a chill imagining those things crawling on me!! Yikes..A little bigger than life that lens of yours produces. haha

  10. Hannabel,
    How I love your creative ploy to hide that box on the tree..very cool..Too bad the owls haven't tried it! Maybe this year!
    Very nice pictures..esp the wild flower scene and of course the mama and her little one!
    Yes, finding good subject matter right now is a challenge but I think you did quite Now, about those bugs!!

  11. Similar feelings on this side of the pond! Despite your fears you still managed to provide us with exceptional images, especially the backlit Doe. Cheers FAB.

  12. These photos are breathtaking. What a great post..Thank You!!!
