Friday, September 18, 2009

Golden Buck

As Autumn approaches, the blazing bright colors of Goldenrod are in bloom. It is this time of year that my focus turns to Whitetail Bucks. They have completed their velvet shed and are in pre-rut, which causes them to stir a bit and are a tad more visual as they move within their territory more. The best time to find them right now is at dusk, as they come out to feed. Not the best conditions for us photographers, as this shot was at 1200 ISO just to shutter a mere 1/200 second per frame, but hey...At least I finally have something to post about!

10 point Buck in Goldenrod. Notice his neck is starting to swell as his hormones are kicking in for the rut season.


  1. Hi,
    Fantastic shot. Wow the colors are wonderful and the composition amazing.... A perfect shot. have a nice week end.

  2. Just beautiful Hannibal! I love that field too! Our goldenrod are just starting to open and the deer are showing up here more often.

  3. I'm coming back cause I love too much your banner. Gosh it is a fantastic and cute one. I love it.

  4. He is quite impressive! Looks great among those goldenrods!!

  5. Whoa!! That is one handsome buck!...and look at that rack! Leave it to you to find this guy surrounded by all that wonderful texture and color! He is gorgeous! I sure hope you see him again this fall!!

  6. Great shot!

    No problem with the high ISO here, the colors are gorgeous with good detail and excellent composition not to mention a fabulous subject.

    There is no other time of year quite as interesting as the rut and the pre-rut is a foretaste of better things to come.
