Friday, June 26, 2009

Great Spangled Fritillary Butterfly

I love shooting different things that I don't necessarily know about. Butterflies are one subject matter that I severely lack knowledge of. After shooting something I know nothing about, I google and research and find out all kinds of interesting things. So not only do I now know this new butterfly's name, I also know that it loves milkweed flowers, in which I didn't even know that they flowered at all. I also learned that pollination for these is very tricky, but I won't get into that. Google it if you are interested, it's quite fascinating. Anyway, I had a two-fer of learning for this day! I loved it!

Click the photo for a good look at its cute face!


  1. There are so many kinds of Milkweeds Hannibal and they are all beautiful. Monarch butterflies lay eggs on them and the young eat the leaves. These Great Spangled Frits are all over my Butterfly Bushes in the yard. I get about 10 at a time! Kaufman's has a great field guide for butterflies of North America packed with great info. This is a beautiful photo Hannibal, great work!

  2. Great photo, Hannibal! I, too, am learning so much about the other critters that I see as I tramp around the woods to catch a bird or two!
    That Kaufman's guide sounds pretty good. Rain today, so sounds like the perfect time to visit a book store!!
    have a great weekend!

  3. The colors in the muted background enhance the total beauty of this image! Fantastic shot.

  4. Beautiful shot.Life is a continual learning experience.:)

  5. What a gorgeous shot! I love to capture butterflies in photos.

  6. Your new Header looks great!Amazing capture of the butterfly.

  7. First .. I LOVE the header. Those lily picts were so fantastic that one deserves to be seen everytime I open your blog...and secondly ..only you could get that cute lil' face of the butterfly with your wonderful lens!

  8. I like photographing something I know nothing about...makes me look it up. You just keep learning.

  9. Lovely composition my friend !

  10. Hi,
    Wow this is just awesome!! A beautiful composition and a marvelous subject!

  11. FANTASTIC new header Hannibal!

  12. It has cute speckled eyes! Outstanding photo! And I agree w/ the rest- your header is just beautiful!!

  13. Wow i just love butterflies.Nice and lovely picture posted.

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