Wednesday, June 24, 2009

A Day in the Life of Turtles

There once were 2 turtles sitting on a log in a pond. The smaller turtle was sitting on the larger turtle sitting on that log. The smaller one named Dexter, depended on the larger one named Ernie to show him the ways of the world...

Dexter asked Ernie if it was safe to climb the log higher. Ernie said ofcourse it was safe for big turtles, but for smaller turtles it was best to stay close. Dexter decided to take the walk anyway and climbed over Ernie to the log that stretched up to the sky.

Dexter was getting quite excited while climbing over Ernie to get to his big adventure, that he was stepping all over Ernie's face in his big hurry...

Ernie had to seek the cover of his shell just to protect himself from his little buddy's carelessness... Dexter finally gets over the hurdle of his friend turtle, and makes his way up as Ernie watches with anticipation for his little buddy...

All of a sudden Dexter loses his footing, falls and disappears into the pond, as Ernie looks on, regretting that he didn't talk his buddy out of something he was too small for...Then all of a sudden... Dexter pops up at the side of the log and tells Ernie that he made it!

Ernie was so happy to see Dex and was really proud of him too! But, with that, also came anger and he told Dexter just how worried he was that he went and pulled this stunt and that he was lucky to even be alive, that plenty of creatures could have made a meal out of him, so he should thank his lucky stars...

and then Ernie feeling guilty for being so hard on Dexter, tells his friend that he was a warrior and that it took alot of guts to do what he did, but should be really careful when he is out in the big pond alone like that...

Dexter then tells Ernie that he appreciates his worrisome manner, but that he needs to learn from his own mistakes, and that he learned that he shouldn't rush things, and just act like any other turtle and take his time and hone his skills...

So they walked off together to discover another log to conquer and learn a few more life lessons together as the best of friends! The End!


  1. Terrific sequence of images, strange seeing a map turtle and slider (painted) hanging out, love the dialog you created.

  2. Wow! what a story.It was so apt to go with the amazing images:)The reflection in the water looks great.Thanks for sharing.

  3. What a cute and clever story - and the sequence of images is perfect. Good job!

  4. This was a great story Hannibal - loved it!! Great photos to go with - how cute that the little turtle popped right back up - tough little fella!!

  5. Thoroughly enjoyed this post, story and photos both!

  6. Terrific story and the pictures used to illustrate--amazing!

  7. You must have a ton of wait for these turtle to move into all those positions!! lol, Loved this post.. your story was great with all those "action" pixs! I see slider turtles all the time. They are alien to Pa. but I guess it only takes a few being released as pets to do the trick. I agree with the comment above, that it is weird to see the slider walking on top of the map turtle. Makes me more curious about the interaction of turtles..I am going to google more info. I wonder if the opening of the mouth on the map turtle was a sign of aggression to the slider? Cool post Hannibal!

  8. I'm a sucker for stories and I really enjoyed this one. I believed every word out of Ernie's mouth (open wide mouth) and just fell in love with little Dex. What an amazing capture. I too wonder why Ernie has his mouth open. I have never seen a turtle do that. Glad Dex survived and is on to another adventure. ( a little secret...I like to name everything too!! must be us crazy bloggers!)

  9. I love picture stories and this one was just great!!!

  10. Great story and pictures my wife and I enjoyed it.

  11. hee hee..very cute story and great photos!

  12. I swear I commented on this...

    Such a wonderful story and photos. It really would make a terrific children's story book.

  13. This is too excellently photographed story1
