Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Breathing Room

Hi Bloggy Buddies, it's me Hannibal! I know... I've been out of the loop for quite a while but I have a list of excuses! New puppy duties, magazine deadline duties, broken camera lens sickness, new computer systems to learn, etc, etc...

But now that I am back into the swing of things and my favorite lens has been put back into my hands...

I bring to you...

Snipes! (Thanks to Rattlin Antler for the snipe location tip!)


  1. They are so cute w/ their long beaks and long legs! Nice shots!
    Welcome back!

  2. Wow, you were lucky to get them. Here it is almost impossible to see them and then to get a picture is a real nightmare. So congrats!

  3. Well...I see you found them OK! What a neat little bird. Great capture and looks like the lens is back in order!

  4. Glad to see you Hannibal...I love Snipes!

  5. Good to see you back..great pics of these little guys with the looong bills!

  6. Great pictures.Glad things are under control for you now.

  7. Welcome back, we went through something like that the last two months, my father-in-laws death and taking care of all of his business, a new cameras and computer, and both of us sick but heh, life goes on! Love the Pheasant such a beautiful bird nice images.
