Wednesday, March 25, 2009


O.K. so I am alittle embarrassed! I know that everybody makes mistakes and I am no exception but...I feel stupid! There have been times in the past where I think I have seen that rare species and get uber-excited, just to find out that the newly discovered Tiger Heron I found, is only a weird leaf growing out of a sunken log. I drag my friend over to see the thing, then laugh about it later. Or... That same friend of mine just KNEW that a Screech Owl was hiding in a tree cavity and using her truck bed to get the height we needed to see in, and it ended up being nothing more than an empty hole that had a weird shadow in it that looked like a face. There have been plenty of false positives over the years, but this time...

Cuttidad and I are driving along, when all of a sudden I see something in a field a couple of hundred feet away that looked like a coyote. I get alittle closer and change my mind on the identity of this creature. I can hardly gasp out the words...BOBCAT! Bobcats are not around these parts. You would have to go many counties southward to even hear a rumor of one. Anyway, here it is stalking something in the field, and here I am preparing to photograph the grandest of prized wildlife (in my own mind) this state has to offer! I creep in closer with my car and am perplexed by the sight. Is it? Or isn't it? Cutti looks through the bino's and says matter-of-factly: "It's just a kitty." I shoot anyway just to be sure, and then look through the bino's. Hmmm...It does look like a kitty, but the wide furry cheeked face...Trying to will this feline into a bobcat, I continue to question it's I.D. I focus with the camera now, take a few more snapshots, then concede to it's true identity.

Yeah, dammit, it's just a kitty....My bad! Oh well...Some day I will get my Bobcat...But for now, Cutti gets her laugh!


  1. Well he's almost as big as a bobcat!! LOL! :-)

  2. He may not be a bobcat but he's still a stalking cat :-) Great photos whatever it was...

  3. Well the photos were great anyway!! With patience, you will get it one day this bobcat!

  4. You are just so funny!! I really did see a bobcat last week taking my dad home from the dr. but he flew across the road so fast neither of us realzied what it was until it was GONE! My camera in my lap untouched. Oh well...good luck to both us next time.. haha

  5. Maybe...just maybe HE thought you were a yeti!

  6. You're not alone....I've took a whole roll of shots, before digital, of, what i thought was an alligator while in fl...and when I got my pics backs it was just a stupid log in the water..It took a while to live than one down.

  7. Thanks for sharing Hannibal, there may be hope for me yet!

    Craig Glenn

  8. Well, at first glance I would've thought Bobcat because gee, that's one well fed kitty with a mighty fine coat!! Loved the story...

    I just want to thank you for the kind comment on my blog. I really did appreciate it!
    Take care!

  9. Well they ARE related you know! And I'm willing to bet that cat THINKS he's a stalking bobcat at the very least. Fun story! Thanks! :)

  10. Too funny! I am always seeing birds where there are none. I do it so much, in fact, that I have coined a phrase for anything that I mistake for a bird: BSO - Bird Shaped Object. Look! An owl! Wait...damn...just another BSO.

  11. made me laugh! Too funny...
    He looks like a bobcat to me (especially when I squint).
