Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Deer Tracks

I could go "Wordless Wednesday" for this photo if I chose, because it's quite obvious what is going on here, but it would be a whole lot more fun to play a game, so...

Hannibals Animals announces her first Caption Contest!

Write a winning caption for the photo above and recieve an accolade to become a Knight! (including the sword ceremony!)

The right to use "Sir" or "Dame" before your name. The right to demand others to use "Sir" or "Dame" when speaking to you.

You will also recieve: An all expenses paid trip down Memory Lane

A "Hannibals Animals Caption Contest Award"

Your site posted on my "Caption Contest Wall of Fame"

Rules: Enter your caption in the comments section. You have until Monday, March 16th to enter. Winner will be announced Wednesday, March 18th. You can enter as many times as you'd like.

Small print: Participation in this contest must be met with at least 5 individuals to further this contest. If fewer than 5 individuals participate, the contest and prizes are void. If you are already a Knight, a higher value surname will be awarded. ie: Prince/Princess.

Good Luck! And...Thanks for playing!

Oh, and check out the antlerless buck on the left!


  1. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!!!
    Ok Hannibal! What a trophy too!!! I have to go think....

  2. "Deer In the Track Lights Look"

    or how about....


  3. oh by the way I LOVE this picture!!!

  4. Thanks Eve! Good start! The competition has officially started! Eve automatically wins the first guess award which gets her a virtual velvet bag of party-knuts and choco-galleons! See people, it pays to play!

  5. Ok here's another...

    The doe standing to the right of that buck is thinking..."if a train comes right now my chances with this handsome brute will greatly increase"

  6. All Aboard! HA HA HA HA HA HA!

    Crazy, but that's how it goes, millions of people livin as "Doe's"!

  7. Quoting Ozzy Osbourne will get you everywhere! Thanx Cutti!

  8. Eve - quit posting so many funny sayings - you're making me lose "track" - ha,ha!
    Okay - here's my caption:

    "Hey - What's Hannibal doing driving that train?"

  9. Here is mine...

    "What's up Hannibal? Owl said you wanted to see us."


  10. Hey, do you think if we don't move, they won't notice us and we'll blend into the background?

  11. Whatcha lookin' at?

  12. Last one...

    Look deep into our eyes, you are feeling sleepy...

  13. Woow amazing... Where they waiting for the next train??

  14. What a great picture!
    I think the deer in the center of the tracks is saying,
    "Well, girls, sorry to say the buck didn't stop here..." verification word is deerst!

  15. Beautiful! I rarely see more than one or two deer at a time, but a whole herd? Wow!

  16. They are all asking "so where are all the guys?"

  17. I just love this picture too! Deer are a favorite of mine...
    I think the caption should be
    "ALL Aboard!!!"

  18. Track stars

    Star Buck and his Trophy Wives

  19. "A herd forms as word spread that a casting call for Hannibals' next photo shoot would be held at the tracks."

  20. Okay ladies, now I want to see f-i-e-r-c-e!
