Monday, March 2, 2009

A Better View of the Barred Owl

Remember that post about the Barred Owl I did a few weeks back? I thought it looked like a paper wasp's nest from a distance, at first? Well, he's back, but at a different roost. A better roost...way better!

On Friday, I took to the woods to try out my lens that had been ill. It was overcast, (aargh!) but I had to make sure the focus worked properly. I checked the regular roost spot of the owl, but he wasn't there. I checked a potential screech owl hole, and out of the corner of my eye, I see something out of place. Lo and behold, it was my barred, but he was NOT so well camouflaged against his chosen tree. Hmm...I wonder if he has used this roost before? I will keep my eye out for this new spot. Although it was a gray day, seeing this owl and testing my focus on him was an honor.

Two owls in one weekend...Now that is priceless!


  1. You are right these owls are just priceless! I love them! But I must admit as regal and beautiful as this one is...I just love the 'pocket owl' better...

  2. Looks like the lens is working well.Those are spectacular shots.

  3. seriously Hannibal! I'm starting to think you're greedy with all your great eagle, hawk and owl photos! They only seem to visit YOU! Please send one of these owls my way. I will pay you. :-)

  4. Ooh owls are adorable! Right now I watch an online video about owls and I wish I could see one in reality. Your photos are wonderful!!! The owl on the second picture makes me smile - such a character )) and the pics of owl in your previous post are sooo good too!

  5. ditto everything birdgirl just said! I wanna see these too! Fantastic photos.

  6. Wow, that is one super uncamouflaged owl - very strange but great for photos!
