Monday, February 23, 2009

Flicker Finding

After downloading my card and perusing these flicker images, I saw something odd. For comparison, look at the photo above and below at the shoulder area. Do you see that beigy colored feather tucked in? Weird! Anyway...

There were a group of flickers totalling about 8, eating the tiny dark berries. It was a really hot spot for photography so I parked and waited. I was lucky enough to tuck way down into the drivers seat to get a shot of this guy flying off.


  1. Just beautiful Hannibal! I have never seen one of these in person. They are really pretty.


  2. The flicker is a beautiful bird. I loved seeing yours in flight. The under part of the wing that is yellow is beautiful.

  3. They are beautiful birds and you have captured them perfectly. They leave our area in the winter and usually arrive back shortly after the robins. We usually have several nesting pairs each year and they are always busy on the lawn seeking out bugs or pecking away at our utility pole.

    I love the take off shot and Mother Nature forgot the black dot on the beige feather ;)

  4. I want to rub his speckled belly! Fantastic photos hannibal! (As always!)

  5. Fantastic color Hannibal. Great shots!

  6. Those are some pretty eat shots,especially the in flight ones.

  7. The flicker is one of my favorite many patterns and polka dots..I love that you were able to capture the underside of him as he flew. Amazing color combinations!! Great shots, Hannibal.

  8. Woow gosh, this is an amazing bird... So colorful and with so many features. I love it and I love your "take off" pictures, they are very dynamic, sharp and very beautiful. Well done and well captured.
