Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Another One Gets Away

I'm on a roll. Not a necessarily good roll, but not a bad roll either. I am taking alot of flight shots, and some are getting captured just a bit out of frame, as with the flicker. This one is not a great shot, although the setting is nice. The snow was captured nicely falling as the hawk takes flight with it's victim. Obviously, I got him without an expression, or a face for that matter, but...it's a learning experience with every frame. What did I learn? Just keep shooting, they don't have to be perfect. Thats what makes digital files so attractive. Trash em, it won't cost you a dime. Frustration, on the other hand, is becoming... well... frustrating! Aarg!


  1. Another "wow" photo Hannibal!! Amazing to see that mouse (i think its a mouse!) dangling from his claws.

  2. Hey Hannibal, when life hand you a lemon, make lemonade. This is a pretty good image if you ask me.

  3. It's a beautiful shot Hannibal. Dramatic to say the least!

  4. Hannibal, this shot is great and its awesome you are getting the opportunities to see these creatures..and you are so right about just keep clicking away..with digital/delete its easy on the mind to do just that!!

  5. I think that is a prety good shot.I do know the feeling though.Sometimes I wonder if I'll ever get that perfect flight shot.My computers garbage can needs to be emptied far too often.

  6. I know it wasn't the capture you wanted, but it is a great shot! Love everything about it. Thank God for digital and 'delete'.

  7. Hi,
    I also think it is a great shot, and it reminds me about one of my post talking about the wrong side!!! But heye, the setting is wonderful on that one, the snow flakes, the dynamic and movement, the prey.. Just wonderful!!

  8. Some days you get the red-tail, some days the red-tail gets you.


  9. Awesome predator with prey shot. I love the shots of true nature and a great flight shot. Keep posting these great shots

  10. A perfect shot, I like seeing his red tail front and center.

  11. Like everyone above me has already written, the image you shared was absolutely worth sharing.
