What a pleasant surprise when I was shooting the feeder friends on the post a few days ago, that I heard the call of the Pileated Woodpecker. Of course, I had to go investigate. So, I sneak towards the sound as quietly as I can, but the snow crunching gave my location away. It flushed, but I watched it closely and saw where it landed. I squeak along again, and flush it again. This time, as my frustration peaks, I stood in place. It took another 10 minutes and the tapping on wood suddenly sounded thru the woods. My ears chose a direction and I ninja-ed my way closer. I finally see it thru some heavy limbs, so I took some shots:

I ninja-ed some more but the peckerwood saw me and vanished! Oh well, I got proof I saw him, which was only the second time I have ever photographed one. So all in all, the day was a success even though the shots were not!
Note: Peckerwood is slang for "poor southern white folks". I used this term loosely as I just wanted a reason to cuss out my frustration.
Great ninja moves to get this guy! They are so shy and hard to shoot - congrats! I always think it's a miracle when you seen one.
Would have loved to see a picture of you ninja-ing your way through the bush...lol Congrats on this discovery
Great job Hannibal, I see these guys from time to time but can't say I ever photographed one.
Any shot of this gorgeous guy is great! Congratulations.
Hannibal, Never doubted you for a minute that you possess the ninja talent to capture great pictures of birds! I would LOVE to just see one of these guys and maybe have the chance to get one in my camera sights! Great job!
Like Stacy I would have liked to see YOU as much as the Woodpecker. Sometimes we birders do the craziest things to get the 'shot'. I loved the pictures and even though the wood got blurry the redhead didn't!! A+ for effort Hannibal.
I am happy that you are a ninja birder! Any photo of the pileated thrills me as we don't get them on the wide open praire.
Too bad, peckerwood saw and heard you! (I just wanted to say peckerwood too)
Ha Ha Good one Hannibal...well, not so much the photos...but the post.
Been there...done that...no good peckerwood photos here either!!
I was able to see a pileated up very close when I attended the Georgia Coastal Birding Festival in Jekyll in October...what a thrill. It was the first time I'd seen one in person...he was huge! We saw eagles too, but very far away...you pics are breathtaking! Just gorgeous! So glad to have found your site...came here from Craig's.
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