Monday, November 24, 2008

Weekend Wanderings

I wandered around all weekend, looking for the good stuff, and although I didn't get a whole lot, I was happy with a few shots.

This is my first female Kestral. It just seems that I always photograph males, so this was a treat.

I've run across this coyote on several occasions, but this time, I caught him in mid field for a more detailed view. I really liked the "gassy-fumy" air in the background which skewed the landscape.

This guy is quite healthy according to his heavy girth around the middle. He/she is about the biggest/baddest coyote I have ever seen.

Now this guy is a special sight. He is the first buck I had ever captured well enough on film, many years ago. He is quite old as you can tell, but I see this particular guy every year around this time. How can I tell it is the same buck year after year? It's quite obvious to me, looking at his rack which has the same shape, and the features on his face and snout and those distinctive eyes. I have just never forgotten his face. This could very well be the last time I will ever see this special guy...

I go over these tracks every time super slow, as the approach is partially hidden, and at times can produce a hidden buck for a great photo op. On this day, for some reason, I went over them with distraction and missed a great portrait shot. When I backed up to shoot, he turned and went for cover. I learned my lesson...again...

This guy trotted into cover quickly, reminding me that the "peak" of the rut has most likely passed, with his alertness to his surroundings back in focus.

This shot was taken just after sunrise, when the lighting has a red hue to it. Another buck on high alert.

This black squirrel was found eating a walnut, hiding under a pine. Black squirrels are actually a morph of the gray squirrel.


  1. Loved your kestrel - looked like he was bowing his head and being "flirty shy" with you! All your photos were just plain awesome today! (Whoops - can't believe I said awesome - sound like a valley girl...)

  2. Well, I think your wanderings produced a wonderful collage of fantastic photos, Hannibal! I can't even pick a favorite this just have captured such great subjects. I think it would be so nice to be able to recognize and photograph the same buck from yr to yr. Your posts are always a treat! Thanks :) ps. Could ya just send two black squirrels this way, please! Grey gets so hum drum.

  3. This is such a beautiful, exciting post! The kestral is so very lovely.

  4. I would say you found the GOOD STUFF! These shots are all so fantastic and I love how you narrated them. The kestrel is gorgeous, a great close up look at the coyote, and you capture the most amazing deer photos. I really enjoyed the black squirrel as I have never seen one before.

    Are coyotes a problem in your area? They have become numerous around here and people have started to hunt them. Some nights our dogs bark all night at the sounds of them howling in the nearby drainage ditch.

  5. Nice shot of the Kestrel! And that coyote is cool. As far as I know, we don't get them over here in Virginia.

  6. Ouah what a day. full of very good pictures... The squirrel is wonderful!!! and what about the deers pictures!!!, just really great...

  7. Fantastic series of photos. Wonderful job.Thanks for sharing.

  8. I've seen these black squirrels in Illinois when I was visiting my son in Chicago. It's the only ones I've ever seen. They came out of the forest preserve along the Des Plaines River. I thought they were great. Are they any where else?
