Thursday, November 20, 2008

Love Triangle

Once upon a time...

...two dudes fell in love with the same girl. She was a pretty girl who seemed quite shy. She really didn't seem to favor either guy, but both knew she was the one for them...

...both were willing to fight for their love. Each was determined to show her their strength...

...even though both were pretty equal in size...

...but the one who had the most heart always wins the girl... they scrapped and grappled, knowing that in the end, it would all be worth it...

...each tried to gain the advantage...

...never losing site of their pride and honor of winning her love...

...the girl would love their wounds away when it was all over...

...and then, all of a sudden, the girl just got up and left with another guy. The dudes could only watch and learn from their mistake. Never lose a friendship over a girl.

The girl's heart beat for another, and the dudes bonded over their loss.

The End!

The story is fiction.
The dudes were just sparring.

Two cool things happened.

I have never seen bucks sparring in all my years of wildlife photography, so seeing this was amazing! I have also never seen deer love each other. So, I just had to put this story together so that I could include both images, even though some might scowl at the last one, which is why I brought Austin Powers into the mix to lighten the graphic nature. No offense intended, only humor.


  1. Hannibal - this would make a great book! I just think it's so exciting that you were able to capture the bucks fighting.
    The last photo made me giggle!

  2. I was on the edge of my seat expecting one of the fighting bucks to get the prize! The surprise ending made me laugh. Great captures!

  3. hannibal, what a great "yarn" with great photos to match. You should be a the ending!!

  4. I loved the story and the photos! How wonderful that you were able to catch both of these sparring, loving episodes - Thanks for sharing!

  5. ...the right place at the right time for sure!

  6. Hannibal I think you should win an award for the biggest buck and most interesting action series. I enjoyed every minute of this series and have never seen anything like it.

  7. Better than anything I have ever seen on so-called "reality" TV. Nothing faky hear!

  8. This post is soooo entertaining and enjoyable that I've been back many times to reread it. Thanks so much for sharing the fun with us!
