Wednesday, November 12, 2008

One Last Post About Sandhill Cranes+Video!

A bonding moment...

So long, my friends...until we meet again next spring!

Enjoy the sounds of the Sandhills with my video at this magical place! (Sorry, I'm no Spielberg!)


  1. More great pictures. Love the ones as they come in to land...All I can think is runway clear, landing gear down, and proceed to terminal.

  2. You made them look extra beautiful against that sunset sky!

  3. As far as I am concerned, don't stop posting about these magnificant birds! I just love your photos, the close ups and the sunset ones are so amazing. Thank you for sharing them.

  4. fantastic! I just love the sunset captures. Makes them look so beautiful floating through the sky. The single crane is my favorite with the color of the sunset behind. They sure are a noisey bunch! And I had the same question as BG. who was clicking away in the background?

  5. Thanks everyone for your comments! I appreciate them so much!

    To answer the question to who was clicking away in the the background? That was me! I was the one who said "cool" too. The video was a coordinated effort between me and my partner. We both grabbed the video camera at different times. We didn't take the video on our first trip and regretted it as soon as we heard them in the pasture, so this time we captured it, but spent more time shooting with the camera, instead of focusing on the behavior with video. Oh well, the quality is less than I expected anyway...

    Thanks again everyone!

  6. Both the photos and the video are absolutely wonderful and I enjoyed every minute of it!

  7. Stunning photography. I have only seen something like that once in my life. On returning from a visit to se grandchildren in Colorado we over nighted in Grand Island Nebraska. There were thousands of Sandhills near there as well.

  8. All wonderful pictures, but I love, LOVE, LOVE the first one.
