Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A Few More Sandies from Jasper-Pulaski

In this 2nd post about the sandhill cranes from Jasper-Pulaski, I will keep it simple and start with a photo on the ground, and end at the moon!

I got lucky with my 2nd visit to JP and found a family somewhat close to my lens in an outlying farm field.

The paratroopers were landing in mass numbers...

...ready to invade the pasture!

If I could only describe the sound...

The sky turned blue after a dismal morning...

..allowing for photo op's in any direction...

..just try NOT to snap off a few hundred frames...

...they just keep arriving every few seconds...

I stayed until dark, and I am glad I did, or I would have missed this!

I will say it again, if you can ever go to this place, it will not disappoint!


  1. It's so amazing to see their feet and winds spread out - almost like they are too big to fly! These are just wonderful!

  2. Every shot here is amazing to me, I loved seeing the close up (wow, his eyes are even so clear) and then the crazy landing ones that you described as paratroopers gave me a LOL moment! But when I scrolled down and saw them fly by the moon like ET or "the cow jumping over the moon", it left me speechless. Wonderful!

  3. Hannibal your shots are fantastic and that moon shot is truly one in a million. I know what you mean about the sound and will take my tape recorder the next time to record this for my own pleasure. Thanks so much for sharing the beauty with us.

  4. Whoa! These are stunning....when you find what you're looking for, you really make it worthwhile!

  5. What amazing photographs these are. I agree with Shelly..these birds look too big and heavy to be flying. I love the way their legs just hang down..like one of those parachutes you throw up into the air and then it floats down. The moon shot was wonderful! Glad you stayed and got it.

  6. Wow.

    Love the shots of them almost landing. It makes sense that they would land that way, but I never thought about it.

    I have seen sandhills on a golf course near Ann Arbor, MI, but not nearly so many as this!
