Friday, August 1, 2008

It's Hot Out There!

Since it's so freakin hot outside, I've not ventured too far from the comforts of home and the conditioned air within.

And...since I have been absolutely nowhere, I wandered around my yard to do some macros with a few selected flowers.

A simple sunflower that has yet to become the victim/prize of the local squirrel, who has a reputation for chewing off sunflower heads and eating them atop my custom built owl box, taunting me all summer with his dasterly deeds...

Rose of Sharon full of pollen and it's harvester...


  1. That bee was certainly snug in your Rose of Sharon - great shot!

  2. My Rose of Sharons are full of bees and also a few japenese beetles. I always want to see a hummingbird go there, but you have to be camped out to get that. I would love to see the pesky squirrel steal the sunflower .. keep watching. great shots.
