Wednesday, July 30, 2008

More Killdeer Babies

Just pure cuteness for todays post.

Growing into those long legs must be a clumsy ordeal.

Even though those legs are long, the babies seem to handle them just fine. They can sure run when they want to.

The fluffy lil cotton balls are a favorite find for me every year.


  1. Love the fluffy killdeer babies!!

  2. Those babies look like they are up on stilts. They are just so darn cute running around. Nice shots!

  3. Great shots. They are all great but the first one you got a very nice glint in the eye which is one of the things that I look for when I am photographing wildlife. Sometimes it's tough, most wildlife wont stand and pose in just the perfect light, but you got an excellent shot. It does not hurt that the chick is extremely cute.

  4. Hannibal, you got that right! nThey are so cute I can't stand it...Wonderful, wonderful! Thank you so much for sharing these - it made me happy just to see them.

  5. Awesome photos. Those chicks are definitely cute.

  6. We have two little ones scurrying about on a lawn here on the UNC Greensboro campus, early in the morning. Quite adorable
