Saturday, July 19, 2008

It's My Tern...

I've posted alot about Goose Lake Prairie lately, so I am mixing it up by featuring Braidwood Lake. The Terns are back! Caspian Terns are the main migraters, but some birders have seen a few Foresters too.

As large as a big gull, the Caspian Tern is the largest tern in the world. Its large coral red bill makes it one of the most easily identified terns throughout its worldwide range.

Call a raspy "kowk." Juvenile begging call a high pitched whistling; heard frequently during migration and in winter.

Flies over water with bill pointing down; plunges into water to catch fish.

Source: All About Birds


  1. The gulls sre lovely! How did you manage to capture them so.. close?

  2. Love these action shots - I saw my first one this year and it was quite thrilling!
