Monday, July 21, 2008

Common Yellowthroats

Another first for me, the Common Yellowthroat has been elusive throughout this year... To be honest, I didn't even know about them until hooking up with other bird blogs and seeing their unusual markings, and learning about them. Ever since, I've been looking, but have been unsure of their behavior. I knew that they were a prairie bird, but that was about it. I thought it odd that I had never seen them, because of the time I have spent over the years, out at Goose Lake Prairie. Then...Finally...I see one after hearing a song, and looking though the lens... Oh, it truly was exciting...

Then I mentally recorded their song...And heard another one...Oooh, this is getting kinda easy...

I now understood why I haven't seen any before, because it is not easy getting close...

Ever since discovering them, I am addicted to finding them, and with some luck, I found this female...

They have become one of my favorite birds because of their markings, and because of their elusiveness! Who doesn't love a challenge?

Source: All About Birds. A skulking masked warbler of wet thickets, the Common Yellowthroat is far more frequently heard than seen. Its "wich-i-ty, wich-i-ty, wich-i-ty" can be heard from the Yukon to Newfoundland, and from southern Florida to southern Mexico.


  1. Beautiful photos - and they are hard to get!!

  2. Nice shots, especially the first one. I usually find yellowthroats hiding in the reeds around ponds, but as you noted they are very hard to find.

  3. I love warblers - and they are hard to catch - this is a great series.

  4. Great shots! I've never been successful getting a decent shot of these birds. It always seems to be out of focus, or a really nice shot of green leaves where the bird used to be. :) Congrats.


  5. Great shots as usual, really love the first one.
