Sunday, June 1, 2008

Another Pine Squirrel

Before this Spring, I had never seen a Pine Squirrel. Now that I have, it seems I see them quite frequently, but of course, I am looking for them...This one caught my eye as I was observing some Blue Jays. It still shocks me to see just how little they actually are. When I took a few shots, I noticed a weird whiteness to one of his eyes. It looks as if it has a cataract, although when blown up, it seems to be on the outside of the lens. Weird!?! Hope it can see properly...


  1. I like this photo - the sweet furry squirrel against the textured old tree!

  2. I think what you are seeing in the eye is a light reflection due to the shape. I see it all the time in my squirrel pictures.

  3. He's a cutie! I love his markings. From the picture, it just looks like a catchlight on his eye from the sun. I hope that's all it is.

  4. Thanks everyone for your comments, as I love getting feedback!

    F.Y.I : It is definately not "catchlight", as one might think. Of course I thought that at first, but the disturbing part was it was in every photo no matter what direction his head was. It has to be an eye condition of some sort I'm sad to say...
